Posts Tagged 'History'

Kowloon Walled City


Forgot to post this when it went up last week! It’s been a busy few weeks, but lots more content will be coming soon.

Kowloon Walled City @ Gadling

Arusha Declaration

A random piece of information I found interesting when searching for facts about Arusha:

The “Arusha Declaration,” was a path-breaking document that came out of Tanzania in 1967, which the Strike has just re-published in order to spur discussion about its prescient ideas. Authored by the nation’s first president, Julius Nyerere, it lays out his perspective on the problems of his people and their economy as they were emerging from years of imperial rule, and proposes the sort of socialist economic development that would enable the grassroots to develop themselves and their power in the course of changing their conditions. Central to Nyerere’s thinking, explained James, was the perception that women bear the vast majority of the uncounted labor that “sustains” the exploitative capitalist economy. She read from a section in which Nyerere acknowledges the dependence of development on women in rural villages who work 12- to 14-hour days regularly without any sort of wage, while their male counterparts in the country and some women in the city are often “on leave for half their lives.” Nyerere wrote that this inequality was incompatible with effective grassroots socialist development, and proposed that within the central economic unit— which he called Umoja (or “unity”) village — there must be parity between the sexes.



On Tuesday, I found myself looking around at the scene that was unfolding before me, and deeply regretting that I had not taken the time to prepare for such a historical event by bringing my (remaining) camera. So again, I turn to writing, to see if I can capture it as well as I remember it…

Continue reading ’44’


The inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America, from the L.A. Live Center in Los Angeles…probably one of the most powerful and moving speeches I’ve heard…(since Barack Obama’s election acceptance speech)

Continue reading ‘Inauguration’
