Posts Tagged 'America'

Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy

A funny video I was sent a few weeks ago. This partially sums up one of the inner dialogues I had after coming back from Tanzania…

Louis CK on Late Show with Conan O’Brien. “Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy”


The inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America, from the L.A. Live Center in Los Angeles…probably one of the most powerful and moving speeches I’ve heard…(since Barack Obama’s election acceptance speech)

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It’s not blog-bye

Yes. I’ve reached the place that I consider home.

No. It’s not the end of this blog. In fact, I believe I’m just getting started.

Needless to say, it’s strange coming back. People drive on the right side of the road again, my cell phone never runs out of pre-paid credit, the internet is fast-free-and-widely-available, people do things at the time it’s scheduled to be done, and the bananas seems genetically engineered to look really, really, perfect. How’s that for some fruit for thought.

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This American Life

So, maybe in part because of my recent feelings for home and for the comforts of America, and for a longing to feel connected with the big events that have been taking place in these past few weeks – I’ve started downloading podcasts out here that remind me of home.

Last year I was hired to work at the Century City Apple store. Because of my long term fascination with Apple products and the way they generally do business, I periodically sent applications to them in hope of getting a part time job and taking a closer look at how Apple runs. October brought a phone call, a brief and casual interview, and I was hired to help relieve the holiday rush for iPod Nanos, iPhones, and the mandatory AppleCare and other attachments. It was a great experience: creative peers, nice environment, and I genuinely liked talking about the products that people had questions about. These products make people’s life easier. They enrich life, if you choose to take the time to learn how to use them properly.

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